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The internet can be a dangerous place when it comes to potential threats to your businesses computers and network. The uniformed end user is capable of unknowingly opening the door for viruses, malware, and threats that will slow down your network causing potential downtime. These threats can be disguised very well so it is important to be alert and on watch for anything suspicious or illegitimate looking. Sometimes these threats will look very real and be disguised as an advertisement or an email from a large company you are familiar with. Always be observant and question anything that might look a little odd.
Below are some helpful guidelines you should practice on a daily basis. If you get into the habit of safe browsing it will greatly lower the risk of any harm being done to your PC or your network. While browsing websites it is very important that you regularly check the address bar at the top of your screen to make sure that you are actually on the official website and not a spoof site. Whenever submitting sensitive information via the internet, always make sure that the website starts with HTTPS over HTTP. This will ensure the data you are moving across the internet is securely encrypted, this prevents interceptors from being able to read sensitive data.
Keep in mind, offers that are too good to be true usually are. Don't be fooled into clicking a link that looks enticing, that's how you can unknowingly contract a virus. Also have your workstations and servers set up with the latest versions of antivirus available. This is crucial because this type of software will scan each site before connecting to it, this is done to prevent any unintentional or unwanted malware onto your PC. Antivirus is just a piece of the security puzzle. You must know that just because you have this installed, doesn't mean you are fully protected, it just means you are greater protected. Always be conscious of what you're clicking on, or what sites you go to. The threats are always changing and becoming more intelligent to combat recent security upgrades. Stay on your toes!!
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